Rottweiler for sale!
Our mission is to breed and raise superior German Rottweilers for a variety of purposes, such as shows, work, therapy dogs and magnificent family companions and guardians. We are not a kennel that raises German Rottweilers for a living or as a job. The job is training and maintenance, cleaning and upkeep. We breed, raise and love German Rottweilers and strive to improve the breed. Breeding and raising Intelligent and Beautiful German Rottweilers is our love and our passion.
The color does not really matter to me. All of our pups receive just the best health care, love and really do get so much attention. Actually, we see all our German Rottweiler dogs as part of our family and hence treat them as such. With our discounts you can get a German Rottweiler pup at a fair price.
In our home, we use our dogs to teach our kids about responsibility. As our pups grow, each of them are assigned under the care of our kids. This helps them become much more closer since they all have a common interest and love for the pups. It is always amazing watching them play with the German Rottweiler pups. Good news, we have available puppies now for sale. Click the button below and see an available Rottweiler for sale and choose a new family member today.

♦German Rottweilers are fun to be with, very active and are known to be loyal family pets.
♦They do well with children and other pets.
♦German Rottweilers will always want to play, you could hide treats around the house and he will do just everything to find them.
♦You can teach them a few tricks which they will gladly show off at the slightest chance they get.
♦They are very Brave and courageous .
♦A German Rottweiler dog is very alert so having one in your home can make you secured.
♦German Rottweilers learn very fast since they are so intelligent.
♦This breed was bred to be working dogs and guard dogs. So will do anything to protect you.
♦They are so energetic and run very fast and you will have no problem having long walks with them and hiking.
We are a small family based kennel who specializes in quality and not quantity. We love and care for all our Rottweilers. We have 6 kids that help with daily duties including feeding, walking, grooming, training, and much more. Our kids love the dogs as much as we do. It is always a joy when the puppies come. Nurturing them and loving them is what they do best. All our dogs and puppies are well socialized early in life, with other dogs and pups and adults, friends and kids.
One of our kids has already enrolled in becoming a veterinarian. Another one is interested in training and handling, and our 4 year old is a professional dog temperament tester!
Our German Rottweilers are health screened, OFA or FCI certified hips and elbows, have strong bones, big heads and rich colors.
Our World Class German Rottweiler puppies are born and raised in our home with continuous human bonding and socializing. We are there with the puppies when they take their first breath, when they open their eyes, when they begin to walk, and when they eat their first meals. By raising puppies this way we get to know each puppy’s temperament and disposition and know how each of them will react in different situations because we have been with them from the day they were born.
Click the button below and see an available Rottweiler for sale and have a new family member today.

It is thought that the Roman army, marching north on their campaigns, took cattle with them to provide meat and so their herding dogs accompanied them. As the herd diminished, the dogs became redundant and were often left behind. The town of Rottweiler in Southwest Germany was for centuries a livestock market and the breed was developed there by cattle dealers and farmers who wanted a strong drovers’ dog, which could also act as a guard dog against robbers. The mastiff-type dogs inherited from the Romans, mixed with some sheepdog blood, lead to the creation of the Rottweiler. The Rottweiler proved excellent in both disciplines, combining the athletic movement and stamina of a drovers’ dog with a courageous temperament.
Farmers on their way home from market, fearful of having their money bags stolen, attached them to a collar around the dog’s neck – a very safe place as the Rottweiler is territorial and protective of his owner and his property.
Sadly, the breed has often suffered from bad press: the Rottweiler became very popular, often with those seeking a macho image. The breed needs responsible and intelligent owners who can harness the Rottweiler’s intelligence and activity. A well-trained Rottweiler makes a wonderful family companion.
General Appearance
Above average size, stalwart dog. Correctly proportioned, compact and powerful form, permitting great strength, maneuverability and endurance.
The Rottweiler stands at 61–69 cm (24–27 inches) at the withers for males, 56–63 cm (22–25 inches) for females, and the weight must be between 50 and 60 kg (110 and 132 lbs) for males and 35 and 48 kg (77 and 105 lbs) for females.
The dog has a life span of 8 to 10 years.
Appearance displays boldness and courage. Self-assured and fearless. Calm gaze should indicate good humor.
The dog is Steady, Self-assured, Devoted, Alert, Good-natured, Fearless, Obedient, Confident, Calm, Courageous, not nervous, biddable, with natural guarding instincts.
Chest roomy, broad and deep with well-sprung ribs. Depth of brisket will not be more, and not much less than 50 per cent of shoulder height. Back straight, strong and not too long, ratio of shoulder height to length of body should be as 9 is to 10, loins short, strong and deep, flanks not tucked up. Croup of proportionate length, and broad, very slightly sloping.
Strong, round and compact with toes well arched. Hindfeet somewhat longer than front. Pads very hard, toenails short, dark and strong.
Previously customarily docked.
Docked: Docked at first joint. Strong and not set too low. Carried horizontally but raised slightly when alert.
Undocked: Strong. Thickness and length in proportion to overall balance of dog. Set as a continuation of the croup, neither too high nor too low. Carried horizontally. May be raised when alert and carried in a half moon or Sabre fashion when moving. May hang down when at rest. Kinked tails and tails with lateral deviation undesirable.
Medium size, almond-shaped, dark brown in color, light eye undesirable, eyelids close fitting.
Pendant, small in proportion rather than large, set high and wide apart, lying flat and close to cheek.
Teeth strong, complete dentition with scissor bite, i.e. upper teeth closely overlapping lower teeth and set square to the jaws. Flews black and firm, falling gradually away towards corners of mouth, which do not protrude excessively.
Of fair length, strong, round and very muscular. Slightly arched, free from throatiness.
Consists of top coat and undercoat. Top coat is of medium length, coarse and flat. Undercoat, essential on the neck and thighs, should not show through top coat. Hair may also be a little longer on the back of the forelegs and breechings. Long or excessively wavy coat highly undesirable.
The main colors of the Rottweiler are, Black, Mahogany, and Tan
Black with clearly defined markings as follows: a spot over each eye, on cheeks, as a strip around each side of muzzle, but not on bridge of nose, on throat, two clear triangles on either side of the breast bone, on forelegs from carpus downward to toes, on inside of rear legs from hock to toes, but not completely eliminating black from back of legs, under tail. Color of markings from rich tan to mahogany and should not exceed 10 per cent of body color. White marking is highly undesirable. Black pencil markings on toes are desirable. Undercoat is grey, fawn, or black.
Click the button below and see an available Rottweiler for sale and choose a new family member today.
Before leaving us for their new homes, our puppies are: viewed and health checked at least twice by our vet. Seen by a BVA eye specialist Microchipped. BAER hearing tested. Faecal tested for parasites and fully vaccinated with core vaccinations Our German Rottweiler puppies are of perfect quality in terms of health and looks. With a 5 Years Health & Genetic Guarantee offered. You can't go wrong with us.
We have over 13 Yrs Experience breeding German Rottweilers , plus our Background as Breeder & Veterinary Technician, Our Approach to breeding. Assures you that you are getting quality service from the right place.
We offer 24/7 assistance to all families purchasing a puppy from us and continue to assist you even after the puppy is all grown. You can return the puppy to us at any moment you wish. Contact us now and choose a well-socialized Rottweiler for sale .


Marion & John Carpino (Phoenix, AZ)
We think we have a real winner with this dog. Barry’s sister knows a lot about dogs – used to raise and run sled dogs and she is very impressed with her temperament and personality. I am so happy that I spent so much time and effort to find the right breeder and the right puppy. Thank you for bringing her into our lives. Contact them if you want a good mannered Rottweiler for sale.

Kimberly Thigpen (Albuquerque, NM)
Great experience brought our puppy home she has slept through the night the very first night , I have never had a puppy do that. She hasn't had any accidents in the house she even went to the patio door the second day as if she was saying ok It's time to go out. Smart, mellow, and the sweetest thing ever.

James Spinks (Dothan, AL)
Hi Jack, I just wanted to send you a picture of Roman! He is the light of my life. I take him everywhere. He is a recent puppy school graduate and an all the time good boy. Such a great personality! He loves running on the beach, playing fetch, and cuddling. Thanks for helping me find the sweetest pup! I recommend your German Rottweiler puppies to everyone.