James Spinks (Dothan, AL)
Hi Jack, I just wanted to send you a picture of Roman! He is the light of my life. I take him everywhere. He is a recent puppy school graduate and an all the time good boy. Such a great personality! He loves running on the beach, playing fetch, and cuddling. Thanks for helping me find the sweetest pup! I recommend your German Rottweiler puppies to everyone.

Kimberly Thigpen (Albuquerque, NM)
Great experience brought our puppy home she has slept through the night the very first night , I have never had a puppy do that. She hasn't had any accidents in the house she even went to the patio door the second day as if she was saying ok It's time to go out. Smart, mellow, and the sweetest thing ever.

Marion & John Carpino (Phoenix, AZ)
We think we have a real winner with this dog. Barry’s sister knows a lot about dogs – used to raise and run sled dogs and she is very impressed with her temperament and personality. I am so happy that I spent so much time and effort to find the right breeder and the right puppy. Thank you for bringing her into our lives. Contact them if you want a good mannered Rottweiler for sale.

Rosita Chavez (Wayne, PA)
Hello Jack, A little update on Charlie Brown. This picture is right after having him shaved. He likes sitting on the tables at the park. He truly is the greatest dog ever. He's really smart and in 15 minutes I can train him to do anything. He's extremely gentle and won't hurt a fly. Even his bite is gentle. He has a rubber toy bone that when he carries it it slips out of his mouth because he's so gentle with it. He will never make a good guard dog because he likes people too much, I've only heard him bark twice. I feed him twice a day but unlike most other dogs when I put food in his bowl he could care less, he's more interested in hanging out with me. He's just a great dog, I couldn't have designed a better dog if I had to. Thank you so much.

Raymond Hicks (St George, FL)
I hope all is well with you and your family! I want to give you an update on how Jack is doing. I also want to thank you for giving us the most amazing dog! He completely changed my family’s dynamic. He is unbelievably smart and was super easy to train. Always soooo easy going. He loves people (especially children), and adores other dogs! He looks at children as potential playmates. He is always super gentile and has a lot of patience. However, he is truly in his element when he is playing with other pups! He is always ready to play, and has an endless amount of energy! Always curious! I don’t think he’ll ever grow out of the puppy phase. He loves being with his family and loved ones. He is also always happy to meet new people and is extremely affectionate with everyone he meets. Jack and I visit a nursing home on a weekly basis, and all of the patients look forward to their cuddles with him. Adopting Jack was the best decision I ever made! The process was seamless, and I could not be more grateful to you and your family for all the love you instilled in Jack.

Eric S. Hair (Honolulu, Hawaii)
Hi Jack, We love Vince soooo much. He’s so calm and gentle, smart, and learns so quickly! We’ve had so many compliments on how well behaved he is. He learned the bells to go outside quickly and had learned sit, down, paw, speak etc. Everyday is better on the leash and he loves to run when off-leash. His doggie trainer loves him and says it makes everyone at Wizard of Paws want a German Rottweiler. We think that’s a huge compliment as she (and her dog Rev) were recently finalists on the show World’s Most Amazing dog. He goes to doggy daycare some days and this past week he met Teddi. They were so cute together. Shaun the Sheep was on TV and the two German Rottweilers were barking at the sheep.

Ricky Vigil (Charleston, SC)
Hi Jack, Hope all is well with you! As little Benji is just about to visit my vet again, I thought I should send an update on how he is doing! He is growing up fast , although he is mainly fluff, as I expected him to be heavier! He’s such a happy little guy who loves meeting new people and dogs, and has such a sweet temperament. He has been amazing with crate training, and actually loves hanging out in there (see one of the pics). He has been loving all the snow we have been having, and his new obsession is with balls – he could play fetch for hours! He is such a sweetheart, who makes us smile every day! Thanks for bringing him to us! All the best,

Adam Torres (Elizabethtown, KY)
Good morning Jack, Boomer is doing great!! He is such a layed back, happy puppy and we are thrilled with him. He is almost potty trained, he can sit on command, and most of the time he will come on command. He just had a check up with our vet yesterday and she is in love with him too. He is starting to really love the snow and will try to bury himself in the deep stuff. It is pretty cute. We have been having a really bad cold snap here these last few days so Boomer has really been enjoying fetching a bouncing in our basement. He is getting pretty good at it too! We honestly could not have asked for a better dog. He is just a big fluffy ball of joy. Thank you Jack!

Maria Morris (Minneapolis, MN)
I just had to send a note and tell you how happy we are with Hanalei! She is such a wonderful addition to the family and has fit right in. As mentioned, my intent was to train her as my service dog. Within 3 short weeks, Hanalei has become the best companion a guy could wish for. She has the kindest disposition, is spot on attentive, and so easy to train. When I took her to an appointment at the hospital, she walked right at my side with no pressure on the leash and sat at my feet paying no attention to others in the waiting room. While in the exam room with a Nurse, the Nurse was amazed and commented at how she sensed my tension and gave a little whine and a nudge with her nose. She is truly a natural service companion and I love her to bits. I highly endorse your puppies to anyone looking for a kind, gentle service dog.